My weapon of choice is reality itself and I use genuine expertise when analysing sites. My approach to each project is pragmatic : I always like to examine and analyse the practical situation, rather than operate from a preconceived theoretical viewpoints. It is the multiplicity of details, anecdotes and interplays between historical scales that bring out what the writer Michel Butor calls “the genius of the place”; and this is what I like to home in on when defining my approach.

If there is a “philosophy” behind any of this, it consists in facing reality better and taking into account all the constraints that the architect is subject to. Thus, the use of architectural form constantly runs in parallel with the social and economic dimensions of the project. As I like to say, every project starts with a story : the story of a meeting, the revelation of some indication  that enables the particularity of a place to be captured and the focus to be placed on “the invention of the everyday” i.e. the perpetual renewal of the architectural space. My creation is inspired, shared, steeped in Europe and Africa. My aim is to create a hybrid work that is both flamboyant and vibrant. My recent work outside France, especially in Africa, has, by challenging stereotypes, constantly enabled me to question my own practice. Being free of all eclecticism and all communitarian restrictions, my stated ambitions of “bringing” my skills back to the  African continent are an opportunity to better understand the global issues affecting architecture and to pick up the major associated changes. My interest in Africa is not motivated by a romantic or cultural idealism but rather a political will to change behaviour, which on this continent has often been both sclerotic and naive. This approach takes into account the wealth of a  highly mobile society in constant transformation and on which I have based my research and my architectural proposals. The architectural future must be rooted in multicultural effervescence, which has been neglected today by the builders of the city of tomorrow. To this end, I am developing a new type of hybrid know-how devoid of all dogmatism but which affirms an open and structured identity, enriched by new experiences, both national and international.